Learn what can happen when you post something to social media, who can access it and your personal information.
Be Internet Awesome with Interland
Interland includes online adventures in learning more about online safety, phishing, privacy, security, and online behavior.
Code Combat
Play Kithgard Dungeon and use simple lines of code to move your hero through a labyrinth of spikes. Follow the link to play without an account.
Cyberbullying Research Center: Tips for Teens
Downloadable tip sheets on identifying, preventing, and responding to cyberbullying, cell phone safety, social media safety, and other related topics.
Dance Mat Typing
Four levels to play practicing typing skills. New letters are introduced at each level along with a test and reward.
Design Squad
Learn how everyday objects are built and redesign them to be better!
Digital Content Creation
Find out how to create blogs, podcasts, games, and websites with these eBooks and videos.
Ethical Hacker
Read more about how hacking is used to evaluate the security and vulnerabilities in computer and network systems.
Learn about inventors, inventions, and technology.
Instructables - DIY How to Make Instructions
A search engine for all things crafty and maker. Learn how to make anything!
Mouse Accuracy and Pointer Click Training
Use this game to practice your mouse skills as you click and tap on the targets as fast as you can.
NASA STEM Engagement - Fun Activities To Do @ Home Grades 6-8
Come let NASA take you on an adventure! Whether you like to build spacey things, play games and puzzles, or explore new topics, there's always something new to learn at NASA!
Phishing: Don't Take the Bait
Tips to recognize false claims and scams, how to avoid phishing, and how to report scams.
Robots & Artificial Intelligence: Pros & Cons
Use these eBooks and videos to support your argument about robots and artificial intelligence and their place in the world.
Safe Online Surfing
Visit the island for your grade level, complete the games, and click on the surfboard to test your knowledge about online safety.
States of Matter
Learn about solids, liquids, and gases when you read these eBooks and watch these videos.